Survivor offerings
This website is an online community space in which collaborating survivors can choose to share something else, or more (or not). It’s a space for multiple forms of disclosure and/or non-disclosure - for offerings other than, in addition to, or in support of the presence and breath already granted by them to the video cycles of Personal Accounts (2024-).
Some collaborators offer songs, poems, drawings or playlists, others share recipes, reflections or prayers. Others still have chosen to release unredacted transcripts of the personal accounts they voiced in studio. Collaborators may also choose to reveal their names and chosen pronouns, or otherwise to withhold their identites, as an equally agential claim to safety, opacity or privacy.
“These offerings are precious gifts of wisdom, virtuosity and grace. Hold them gently. And thank you, my beloved collaborators and friends, for a generosity that speaks, sings, cooks, dances, recalls and imagines the world anew” - Gabrielle
These offerings, along with texts and details on the different cycles of Personal Accounts, can be viewed by way of the ‘cycles’ drop-down menu,
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Preview videos of select cycles are available on request for research purposes.