From Zohra (she, her)
Como, 2024


Daily Prayers

God help me to tell the truth before the powerful, and not to lie for the applause of the weak

If you grant me wealth, please don’t take away my serenity

If you grant me power, please don’t take away my wisdom

If you grant me success, please don’t take away my humility

If you grant me humility, please don’t take away my pride and my dignity

If you take away my wealth, please leave me with hope

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If you take success from me, please leave me the strength to overcome failures

If you take my health, please leave me with faith

Please, don't allow me to feel pretentious when you grant me success

Teach me to love my neighbour as I love myself, and to see my own faults over those of others

Teach me to understand the opinions of my friends, and not to accuse my opponents of treachery

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Teach me forgiveness as the highest form of strength

Teach me that revenge is the highest form of weakness

If I have wronged my neighbour, grant me the strength to apologise

If my neighbour has wronged me, grant me the strength to forgive

If I have forgotten you, thou shalt not forget me


Translated from Arabic